
Do you love your website?

Do you believe in love at first sight? It seems a controversial question, surprisingly, but many couples would agree that there was definitely something there when they met, something that made them come back for more. Whether it be love or not, I don't know, the romantic in me likes to think so (I blame Disney).

Do you believe in love at first sight? It seems a controversial question, surprisingly, but many couples would agree that there was definitely something there when they met, something that made them come back for more. Whether it be love or not, I don’t know, the romantic in me likes to think so (I blame Disney).

In reality, love aside, we all make snap decisions on a daily basis. Something catches your eye in a shop and the next thing you know you are standing at the till handing over your hard earned cash. What was it that made you stop rushing past and make that purchase?

As well as Disney movies (I have two young daughters, it’s not my fault) I also enjoy house buying programmes. Judging by the sheer volume of them, so does everybody else. Apparently, statistically speaking, most homebuyers know within three seconds if it’s the house for them because of the look and feel.

So, two of the biggest decisions in our lives – a life partner and buying a home – come down to the initial look and feel.

Well-designed websites with PPC and SEO content

The same can be said for your website. How many times have you visited a website only to leave immediately because it didn’t look good? You might not have been able to pinpoint exactly what put you off; perhaps it was a general feeling?

Expert website designers, website programmers, website SEO experts and website copywriters with years of experience, can pinpoint what works and what doesn’t. A simple website analysis can identify whether the message you’re trying to portray is actually the one that comes across, whether your site is inviting, whether you have the right tools in place to make that call, complete the form or get in touch. PPC experts consider the terminology you’ve used in your online ads and whether it is the same terminology people are searching for to find your products or services.

What your website should do for you

A well-designed, aesthetically-pleasing website should entice customers and generate leads. It is your shop window, your customer services, your cashier, and your portfolio. You want to look your best.

Here’s our top five tips for creating a love at first sight winning website.

Top 5 tips for customer approved websites:

1. Be informative – Showcase your products and services clearly with good quality visuals and informative copy.

2. Identify the website’s objective – Is it to generate sales? Are you advertising, do you want people to make an enquiry or phone you direct?

3. Demonstrate your abilities – Case studies are made for the Internet and keeping your blog regularly update, can push you up search engine results. Testimonials on your website prove that other people think you’re great too.

4. Be jargon free – Although you may work in the sector and know the terms, to the average layman, this can be off putting if you’re talking in techno-speak or gobbledygook. Ensure your website is engaging on all levels. Putting website visitors at ease is like throwing them an olive branch, thereby encouraging them to make that all important first enquiry.

5. Be consistent – Your brand identity and the website says everything about you. Make it welcoming, inviting and friendly, this puts the customer at ease and helps build a relationship.

The saying goes ‘Love at first sight’, not second or third. You have one chance to make that connection and encourage a follow up meeting – whether you are selling your home, hoping to meet The One, or turn website traffic into leads, make it count.

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